Degree in Chemistry Information

A degree in Chemistry information is what you need if you are planning to pursue a Chemistry degree after high school. There are plenty of employment opportunities waiting for you once you earn a degree in Chemistry. You can find work in reputable research institutions, manufacturing firms, laboratories and pharmaceutical firms, and earn anywhere between $40,000 and $85,000 a year depending on the degree level obtained, field of expertise and the company you decide to join.

Aside from career opportunities, you may also want to find out about other important degree in Chemistry information like the cost, timeline to finish a Chemistry degree, and the best schools offering Chemistry programs.

Degree in Chemistry Information on Cost

The cost of obtaining a Chemistry degree varies. But because a degree in Chemistry is a prerequisite in medical and scientific fields, then it is understandably expensive. This is because the education and extensive training includes working in several laboratories. Aside from that, there are several factors that also affect the cost of a Chemistry degree.

  • School’s Location

Chemistry schools offer different tuition fee rates. The costs tend to go higher if you enroll in prestigious Chemistry schools or colleges and universities far from your home.

  • Type of School

You can now obtain a Chemistry degree online. In fact, this has been growing in popularity as it offers great flexibility to your schedule most especially if you are working or have personal commitments. In addition, taking a Chemistry degree online tends to be slightly cheaper than going to colleges or universities since it costs around $28,000 per year, compared to on-campus chemistry degrees which may cost you $33,000 or more annually.

With regards to online Chemistry degrees, one name stands out, and that is the Oregon State University which offers Chemistry programs on the internet and is armed with virtual laboratories. Although quite a number of schools offer online degrees in Chemistry, but their laboratories must be done on campus.

  • Academic Degree

Depending on your choice of Chemistry program, you can earn your degree in Chemistry in two, four or eight years which would definitely greatly affect the cost. You can opt for undergraduate programs which run from two years for an Associate degree and pay approximately $27,000/year; or four years for a Bachelor’s degree which costs around $30,000/year. If you want to further your career in Chemistry, then you may enroll in a Master’s degree for two or three years and pay around $39,000/year.  Or you can pursue a Doctorate degree for another four years after finishing the Bachelor’s degree and pay anywhere between $40,000 and $54,000 annually.

Degree in Chemistry Information on Top-rated Schools

Choosing which school to attend is one of the most crucial and exciting stages of pursuing a degree in Chemistry. Of course, you want to get the best training possible from the top and finest professors and Chemistry institutions. The top 5 Chemistry schools in the United States of America are the following:

  • California Institute of Technology – California Boulevard, Pasadena, California
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Harvard University – Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • University of California-Berkeley – Latimer Hall, Berkeley, California
  • Stanford University – Campus Drive, Stanford, California


Considering the abovementioned degree in Chemistry information is essential in choosing the Chemistry degree program that suits you best.

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