UNC Charlotte University Degree in Chemistry

There are lots of choices for schools offering Chemistry degrees and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) is one of them. You might wonder how the UNC Charlotte University degree in chemistry competes with the chemistry programs offered by other institutions.

The UNC Charlotte University degree in chemistry covers the major branches of chemistry which include biological, environmental, analytical, physical, structural, computational, inorganic and organic, as well as nanoscale science. The institution employs competent professors to guide you in your journey to chemistry education and play an active role in making you competent in your field of expertise. These educators provide vital insights into your career goals and academic planning. Aside from competent professors who are ready to help you, UNC also offers scholarship grants and financial assistance to deserving students both in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Chemistry Degree Programs of UNC Charlotte University

The UNC Charlotte University degree in chemistry is available in undergraduate and graduate programs.

  • Undergraduate Program

UNC Charlotte University has two B.S. chemistry degrees, namely, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Biochemistry Option. Both of these undergraduate degrees are approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Pursuing B.S. degrees in chemistry prepares you for future studies in chemistry graduate programs.

But what if you don’t want to further your study of chemistry? Then, you can opt for UNC’s Bachelors of Arts in Chemistry which trains you for health-related career options. If you wish to teach chemistry to secondary students, then the Bachelors of Arts in Chemistry with Secondary Teaching Licensure is right for you.

  • Graduate Program

The UNC Charlotte University degree in chemistry graduate program offers M.S. and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.

Master of Science Degree - The UNC Charlotte University degree in chemistry has a  research-based M.S. degree which requires you to complete two advanced graduate courses and regularly participate in seminars. You are also obliged to submit a dissertation based on your original research done under the close supervision of a graduate studies faculty. Obtaining your Masters Degree in UNC is truly worthwhile due to the low student-faculty ratio to ensure high-quality chemistry training.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.) - If you want to become a scientist, then you should pursue a doctorate degree in chemistry. The doctorate program of UNC focuses in Nanoscale Science which prepares you to become a scholarly, enthusiastic scientist possessing valuable skills such as methodological, communication and critical thinking. Enrolling in UNC’s doctorate program makes you well-informed about Nanoscale Science from thought-provoking and credible faculty members. The skills and knowledge you learn from the program make you fit for various positions in industrial and government laboratory settings, as well as academia. You also get the chance to participate in seminars, or work independently or as a team in research projects.

Admission Requirements for the UNC Charlotte University Degree in Chemistry

For a complete list of admission requirements, visit the office of the Department of Chemistry of University of North Carolina at Charlotte at 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, or call them at (704) 687-4765.

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